Why We Allow Our Employees a Flexible Schedule

Why We Allow Our Employees a Flexible Schedule

The world is changing fast. And so is the way we work. We live in a global, 24/7 marketplace, and the rigid work-days no longer make sense for our people or our clients. To meet the needs of both the market and our employees, we give our people the flexibility they need to maintain a balance between their professional and personal lives, while also delivering on the promises we make to our clients.

For us, here at Infobest is important to have a flexible environment where our teams can determine for themselves when they are going to be most productive. While some people are early birds, others perform at their best during the afternoon hours.

“We know that everyone has unique needs, responsibilities, and interests. That is why flexibility at Infobest is not a one-size-fits-all approach. We encourage our people to find the individual arrangements that benefit both them and the company. “– says Ioana Baciu Marketing Manager at Infobest

Why We Allow Our Employees a Flexible Schedule

People who work in a flexible environment are happier, better performing, and more committed.

We offer our employees the flexibility they need because of the innovative way our teams work together. Deliverables and goals are planned for weeks or even months at a time so that everyone knows what they’re responsible for and what they’re trying to achieve during that time period. All the members of the team have always a clear plan, clear line of responsibility, and clear goals.

A flexible schedule has benefits for both the employee and the company. Besides the increased productivity of each employee through flexible schedules, our people can maintain their required hours while working around activities that would normally require time away from the office. Rather than take time off, employees utilize their flexible schedule to move their hours around to accommodate appointments or other events.

Here, at Infobest our flexible schedule is available for everyone, regardless of level. All employees are encouraged to take advantage of the kinds of flexibility – whether they need an afternoon to attend a child’s school play, or a schedule adjustment to accommodate a client in another time zone.

Have you worked in a flexible work environment? What made it successful? Let us know in the comments.

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