Meet the Team – Ralf

Meet Ralf

I played squash for the first time in 2012. My uncle from the United States came to visit, and he found out that we have a squash court in Timisoara (he played in the USA often), and took me to try it. I remember that after the first 10 minutes I needed a sugar break because otherwise, I couldn`t stay on my feet anymore. But after one session I was hooked and decided that this was a great sport for me. I started to play regularly and enjoyed every second of it. After some time I became quite good at it and decided to enter a squash competition.


Get sweaty, have fun and burn off some calories.


I like to play different sports. Besides squash, I play football weekly and also enjoy a good match of football tennis or table tennis (ping pong). But if I had to choose only one of these sports I will always choose squash. I like to play squash instead of tennis/ping-pong because it is more intense than any other sport. You can play 365 days/year(it is played inside at 23degree temperature), is considered the healthiest sport (in 2013, Forbes ranked squash as the number-one healthiest sport after taking calorie burn, cardio endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and injury risk into consideration). All the twisting, turning and lunging after the ball really works on flexibility and stability in the torso and lower body. It’s for your cardiovascular health overall as it combines continuous low-level movement with short sharp bursts of intense action.

I play squash 2-3/week, I play once in a weekly competition that we have, once with my coach, and once with a friend.




I recommend it to everyone. All you need is a bit of motivation to get to the court… if you don`t have a friend to play with, you can “rent” a coach, it is very good cardio, it improves your agility and also you don`t need any special equipment( it is included in the cost of the court), you only need a pair of non-marking shoes 😊

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