Skills Needed to Be a Good Software Developer

Skills Needed to Be a Good Software Developer

With the vast array of technology, platforms, and language choices that are available today, it can be very difficult to figure out where best to invest your time to expand your skills as a software developer.

From getting familiar with open-source software to developing apps, industry professionals are pulled out of their comfort zones and need to acquire new skills to stay relevant.

Although self-taught programming skills can land you a job, formal education is the best way to obtain the necessary skills to become a good software developer.

Technical Skills

Software development is 100% about solving problems. So if you are not the “solving problems” type of person maybe this field is not for you.

1. Basic Computer Science Skills

The ability to know how to use library functions, understanding computing problems, reading comprehension, design patterns and frameworks are just a small part.

2. Passion for code

Passion is the key ingredient for any software developer. You must have a passion for code, developing it from a purely scientific skill into a craft or an art.

3. Code in multiple languages

Just like a person who can speak several languages, a software developer expert who isn’t tied to one code language can think outside the box and come up with the best solution for his project.

4. Develops Quality

The quality of the software is the main focus of every client. Exposing bugs and eliminating them is the best way to develop stellar code.

Personal Skills

You might think that software developers are geeks who lack social skills, but a good software developer must possess, beside the technical skills, a set of personal traits.

1. Vision

You have to be able to see the impacts of present-day decisions in order to build great software.

2. Teamwork eagerness

In software development, there are few projects that are small enough or require so few skills that one person can do them well. For most of the projects you are required to work as a team. Because of this, successful software developers also need good communication skills.

3. Curiosity

“Curiosity killed the cat” but never stops a software developer in becoming better. In order to succeed, you must be curious about why something is done one way or another.

4. Patience

Don’t stress yourself if you find bugs in your software, they are natural. Patience is a key quality if you want to become a good software developer.

Creating software is like playing chess, to win you need to predict a few moves. Start developing your skills and become the best software developer you can be!

What is your definition of a good software developer?

Do you think some more abilities and skills are required? Share them with us!

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