Software Development in Romania: Opportunities and Advantages

software development in Romania


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1. Software Development in Romania: Opportunities and Advantages

2. Exploring Romania’s IT Sector

3. The Landscape of Software Development Companies in Romania

4. The Profile of Software Developers in Romania

5. Empowering Future Tech Talent: ICT Education in Romania

6. Romania’s IT Infrastructure

7. Opting for Software Development Outsourcing in Romania

#1.Software Development in Romania: Opportunities and Advantages

Romania, renowned for its prowess in software development outsourcing, has solidified its position as a leading destination in the global tech landscape. Boasting over 202,000 skilled developers as of 2024, the country stands as a testament to its rich pool of experienced professionals capable of tackling even the most intricate technical challenges. Key tech hubs such as Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, and Timisoara house a plethora of companies offering top-notch software development services to businesses across the US and EU.

In this article on software development in Romania, we delve into the country’s vibrant ICT market, the abundance of tech talent, prominent tech hubs, and the engineering capabilities of local IT vendors. Understanding these crucial aspects is paramount when considering outsourcing software development projects to Romania, ensuring alignment with your organization’s tech requirements and objectives.

#2.Exploring Romania’s IT Sector

Romania’s technology sector has emerged as a key driver of economic growth, propelled by its highly skilled workforce. Notably, the ICT sector contributes approximately 6.2% to the country’s GDP, showcasing its significant impact on the economy. Projections indicate a promising trajectory, with Romania’s ICT exports forecasted to soar to $9.3 billion by 2026, marking a substantial increase from $8 billion in 2023.

Home to more than 440 software development companies, Romania boasts a diverse array of technical and domain expertise, spanning IT, business and financial services, and healthcare. The country’s ascension as an IT powerhouse can be attributed in part to its European Union membership in 2007, which served as a catalyst for attracting global industry. Microsoft has established two global business support centers in Bucharest and Timișoara, further solidifying Romania’s position as a preferred destination for tech operations.

Software Development in Romania: Opportunities and Advantages

Romania’s standing as an outsourcing hub is underscored by its impressive 30th ranking in the Kearney Global Services Location Index 2023. This index evaluates countries’ attractiveness as offshore locations for business services, considering factors such as labor and infrastructure costs, available skills, quality of services, infrastructure, business environment, and socio-political risks. Romania’s ranking surpasses that of many European counterparts, including Ireland and the Netherlands, affirming its appeal for software development endeavors. Consequently, telecom, manufacturing, and e-commerce companies have established R&D centers and offices in Romania, further fueling the sector’s growth.

Major tech players such as Oracle, Amazon, and Adobe have made significant investments in Romania, with Oracle boasting a workforce of 4,000 employees. Adobe’s R&D center in Romania stands as the company’s most prominent in the EMEA region, highlighting its commitment to innovation within the country. Amazon’s Development Center in Iasi holds particular significance as the company’s inaugural R&D establishment in Eastern Europe, solidifying Romania’s reputation as an attractive destination for global tech giants seeking to leverage local talent and expertise. The presence of these multinational corporations underscores Romania’s robust tech ecosystem and its capacity for pioneering research and development, while also affirming the availability of skilled professionals and a conducive environment for innovation.

#3. The Landscape of Software Development Companies in Romania

The software development sector in Romania is characterized by a dynamic and evolving landscape, with small-sized vendors comprising the majority of IT companies in the market.

In 2023, the Romanian tech industry witnessed a notable increase in the number and size of software development companies.

This steady expansion of both the number and size of IT companies underscores the robust growth and development potential inherent within the Romanian tech industry. Moreover, this trend highlights the increasing diversity and specialization of services offered by software development companies in Romania.

Among the wide array of services provided by Romanian software development firms, the most common offerings include web development, mobile app development, e-commerce development, user interface design, and IT strategy consulting. This diverse range of services reflects the industry’s adaptability and responsiveness to evolving client demands and technological advancements.

Software Development in Romania: Opportunities and Advantages

As the software development sector in Romania continues to mature and evolve, it presents lucrative opportunities for both local and international businesses seeking innovative tech solutions.

#4.The Profile of Software Developers in Romania

Romania boasts the highest number of certified IT specialists in Europe and ranks sixth globally, surpassing even the United States in tech specialists per 1,000 residents. With an impressive workforce of approximately 202,000 ICT specialists, Romania’s IT industry stands as a powerhouse in the global tech arena.

The country’s reputation for delivering high-quality IT services is further validated by its rankings in SkillValue and TopCoder, securing the 23rd and 12th positions respectively. Additionally, Romania has made significant strides in English proficiency, ranking 17th in the EF EPI ranking. This proficiency in English has cultivated a pool of highly skilled professionals proficient in the language, making Romania an attractive destination for IT staff augmentation.

Romanian developers have garnered international recognition for their expertise, contributing to the country’s stellar performance in global rankings. Additionally, the ICT sector in Romania has witnessed remarkable growth, with average salaries increasing by 9% in 2023 (ABSL-annual-report-2023-SUMMARY). Moreover, developer salaries in Romania are notably lower, ranging from 20% to 50% less than those in European or American markets. This cost differential makes outsourcing custom software development in Romania an enticing and cost-effective option for businesses seeking top-tier expertise at a competitive rate.

The most popular programming languages in Romania include Java, JavaScript, C++, and Python, reflecting the local engineers’ proficiency in a diverse array of technologies. This proficiency extends to enterprise solutions, custom software development, and specialized domains such as Data Science and Machine Learning.

Software Development in Romania: Opportunities and Advantages

#5. Empowering Future Tech Talent: ICT Education in Romania

Romania’s commitment to nurturing future tech talent is evident in its robust ICT education system. With a total of 49 public and 8 private universities, Romania provides a conducive environment for students to pursue their education in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). According to the QS World Universities Ranking 2023, Babes-Bolyai University, the University of Bucharest, and Alexandru Ioan Cuza University stand out as the top three universities in the country, known for their excellence in ICT education.

In recent years, Romania has witnessed a significant uptick in the number of students and graduates in the ICT sector. In 2021 alone, there were approximately 40,000 students and over 9,300 graduates, representing nearly a 20% and 65% growth, respectively, compared to 2015. Moreover, Romania boasts one of the highest proportions of graduates in ICT and STEM disciplines in the European Union.

This surge in ICT education enrollment is a testament to Romania’s commitment to cultivating a talent pipeline capable of driving innovation and technological advancement. With an abundance of ambitious young professionals entering the tech workforce, Romania’s start-up scene is flourishing, fueled by a culture of creativity and entrepreneurship.

#6. Romania’s IT Infrastructure

In an era marked by unprecedented reliance on digital services, Romania stands out for its exceptional connectivity and robust IT infrastructure. With fast Internet connectivity and resilient telecom networks, Romania has adeptly navigated the surge in demand for online services triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic.

One of Romania’s notable achievements is the introduction of 5G services, a significant milestone that has further fortified its tech infrastructure. This strategic move has propelled Romania to secure second place globally for download speed and first place for upload speed, underscoring its commitment to fostering digital innovation and accessibility.

The country’s IT infrastructure is well-equipped to support projects of any magnitude, thanks to its impressive capabilities. Boasting the fourth-best fixed broadband speed worldwide, clocking in at 214.3Mbps, Romania offers developers a conducive environment to swiftly build, test, and refine software products. This accelerated time-to-market enables businesses to stay ahead of the curve and deliver cutting-edge solutions to their customers.

#7. Opting for Software Development Outsourcing in Romania

When it comes to software development outsourcing, Romania emerges as a reliable and cost-effective destination for companies worldwide. This summary encapsulates the primary factors that drive businesses to choose Romania as their outsourcing hub:

Competitive Rates: Romania offers competitive rates for software development services, owing to its lower cost of living compared to Western Europe or the United States. This translates to reduced labor costs for companies, enabling them to access highly skilled talent at a more budget-friendly price. Additionally, lower operating expenses such as office space, utilities, and administrative costs contribute to overall cost savings, making Romania an economically viable option for outsourcing projects.

Exceptional Qualifications: Romanian engineers engaged in software development possess high levels of skill and education. Many have graduated from top universities in the region, equipped with proficiency in various programming languages and technologies. This rich talent pool ensures that businesses partnering with Romanian software development companies have access to top-tier expertise and capabilities.

Well-Established Infrastructure: Romania boasts a well-developed infrastructure that supports software development outsourcing. This includes a reliable telecommunications network, a skilled workforce, and a favorable business environment conducive to outsourcing ventures. With robust infrastructure in place, companies can seamlessly collaborate with Romanian partners, ensuring smooth project execution and delivery.



Romania has solidified its position as a premier destination for software development outsourcing, offering a compelling proposition for businesses seeking to leverage top-tier expertise and cost efficiencies. With a large pool of skilled tech professionals, versatile technical expertise, and a favorable business environment, Romania provides an ideal ecosystem for outsourcing ventures.



Romania’s business service sector IT&C, SSC and BPO

IMD World Digital Competitiveness Ranking 2022

ABSL Annual Report 2022

HackerRank Developer Skills Report

Education and Training Monitor 2022

Romania ICT Industry Outlook 2022 – 2026

Future of IT Report 2023

Regenerative talent pools – Kearney 2023



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