Category Archives: Blog

How To Make Your WordPress Site GDPR Compliant

WordPress GDPR Compliance

0. Introduction 1. How WordPress Is Handling the Implementation of the GDPR 2. What do I need to do next? 3. WordPress GDPR Compliance Plugins 3.1. Install WP GDPR Compliance 3.2. Install Cookie Notice 4. Privacy Policy and Cookies pages 4.1. Privacy Policy and Cookies pages templates & generators in English 4.2. Privacy Policy and […]

An Update on Top PHP Frameworks in 2018

An Update on Top PHP Frameworks in 2018

While the subject of PHP Frameworks was already approached on our blog in 2016, in the software development world things move a tad faster than in other industries, so we thought an update on the topic might be interesting. PHP is still the most popular server-side programming language for websites, with big names like, […]

4 Great Tools to Test Website Load Speed

website load tools

Introduction Simple presentation websites, e-shops or complex web applications – all bring up the same challenge for the developers: the loading time. If your website or web application is intended to be used by a broad public audience, then you want (and need) to get the content available for the user as soon as possible. […]

Are You an E-Commerce Site Owner? Here are 3 Simple Marketing Tips & Ideas

Are You an E-Commerce Site Owner? Here are 3 Simple Marketing Tips & Ideas

0. Time needed to finish reading: 4-7 minutes 1. Take care of the site / application performance 2. Make sure your site is the main content distribution point 3. Assure flexibility of payments 4. Conclusions For some, having had the possibility of creating an online shop meant starting the entrepreneurial life – with the good and […]

Data Extraction Tools (And How to Use Them)

Data Extraction Tools (And How to Use Them)

SUMMARY 0. Time needed to finish reading: 4-7 minutes 1. How can you use data extraction tools? 2. Few data extractions tools 3. Data Scraping tutorial with WebScraper – Quick Guide on how to collect relevant data 4. How to use extracted data for sales process optimization 5. Conclusions #1. How can you use data extraction tools? If […]

Create Better Themes using WordPress Theme Customizer

WordPress Theme Customizer

Summary 0. Time needed to finish reading: 5-8 minutes 1. Introduction: About WordPress & WordPress Theme Customizer 2. Advantages of Using the Customizer 3. Starter Themes for Easy Development   — 3.1. Sections, Settings & Controls   — 3.2. Grouping Multiple Sections under Panels 4. Using Kirki for Faster Development 5. Methodology: Organize your Controls […]

Tips for Developing a Mobile App that Users will Love

Tips for Developing a Mobile App

The World is Going Mobile. Are you moving or standing? It’s not exactly a news flash that mobile app technology is redefining the world of business. We’re living in a brand new world where mobile technology is not a nice-to-have option for businesses anymore, is mandatory. According to the Global Web Index, 80% of internet […]

Infobest will attend the annual Team Outdoor Race

Infobest Team Outdoor Race 2016

Another year, another race. This weekend Infobest will attend the annual Team’s Outdoor Race, which was set against the backdrop of the breathtaking Romanian Mountains. This year the competition will take place in Ardeului Valley, in the Metaliferi Mountains. Ardeului Valley is the main artery of the Apuseni Mountains heart, the most beautiful and breathtaking […]